Just a reminder that our ONCE a year farm tour is coming up this Sunday, July 3rd. The farm will be open for our CSA members and farmers market customers from 9am to 1pm. Tours will be approximately a half hour long and start every hour on the hour. Tyler will walk you through the garden and Ally and Leah will be selling produce at our market stand. We hope you make time to stop by and say hi!
Harvest season is upon us with the summer abundance not far away. It’s truly incredible how fast our summer crops grow. Summer squash, strawberries and peas get harvested every other day and cucumbers have to be harvested and trellised every day. Once our tomatoes are on, they get harvested every other day and trellised every four or five days which takes a few hours each time. It’s exciting to see all the abundance of our hard work paying off. And this year the farm has never looked better thanks to having some help in May and June.
Tyler harvesting cucumbers
Ally harvesting bok choi
CSA harvest cooling down
It’s been amazing to have Leah (Tyler’s sister) here with us for the past month. She is sort of our guinea pig in having someone live and work along side us. If there is one thing we learned with her being here it’s that we are a three person operation. She’s really enjoyed her time trying out farming with us but she’s going back to Indiana on July 5th to finish out her summer at home before finishing her last semester in high school. She really wants to travel after graduation and there are so many opportunities to do so. As for us, we’ll be putting up a WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) webpage soon to look for our next apprentice as we’ll be needing the extra hand. Tyler and I met through the WWOOF program so we are very fond of finding help this way. WWOOF is a website that helps to connect farmers with people who want to work on farms. The apprentice comes to learn about farming and in exchange the farmer gets much needed help. We’re looking forward to this new chapter at our farm as we are happy to share this place and experience with another.
Double rainbow
What’s in your CSA this week:
Sugar snap peas
*Bok Choi
French Breakfast radish
Kale (last week for kale!)
Salad Turnip
*Kohlrabi: We love to eat kohlrabi raw. It has a nice juicy texture and makes great veggie “chips” for salad or dipping. Simply slice or peel off the outer layer, cut up and enjoy.
*Bok Choi: An asian green that goes really great in stir fry. Use the stems and leaves. Cook the stems a little longer than the greens.